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Cong hits out at PM Modi for not covering head at Kabir's mausoleum

 The Congress on Thursday took a swipe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over his visit to poet-saint Kabir Das's village in Uttar Pradesh, and hoped that he would "change his track" by "uniting" people instead of "dividing" them, as preached by the 15th century poet.

Congress leader Pramod Tiwari said Sant Kabir preached Hindu-Muslim unity and worked towards uniting people of all religions and faiths, while Modi and the BJP were dividing the society. "Modi ji has gone to the right place today. But Sant Kabir had a principle, but Modi ji has all his life worked against such principles. Kabir preached Hindu-Muslim unity and brought people of all religions and faiths together all his life, while Modi ji and the BJP have tried to create a wedge between religions," he told reporters.

"I pray that Modi ji draws inspiration from Sant Kabir and changes his track and hope he follows the path shown by Kabir. Otherwise, his (Modi's) history is of dividing religions and not uniting them," he said. Tiwari also lamented that Modi did not cover his head when he paid obeisance at Kabir's 'mazar' in Maghar village in Sant Kabir Nagar district of Uttar Pradesh. The Congress leader said whenever one visits a place like this, a head gear is worn as a mark of respect. Tiwari also hit out at Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath for reportedly refusing to wear a skull cap at the Kabir mausoleum. "The skull cap was given to him as he was going to the 'mazar' of Kabir in order to cover his head. It would have been better if Yogi Adityanath had covered his head even by a handkerchief," he said.

Article Type: 
Fri, 29 Jun 2018-09:52am
Date updated: 
Friday, 29 June 2018 - 9:52am
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Prime Minister, Narendra Modi offers floral tribute at Samadhi of the great saint and poet, Kabir,
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